

koharu2021/07/18 17:08:06

如何看待周玄毅疑似劈腿多人? - 知乎 zhihu.com


鶢鶋2021/07/18 17:12:03

微博都在转进 要把拳头打到所有女权人身上叻

koharu楼主2021/07/18 17:12:53

微博都在转进 要把拳头打到所有女权人身上叻鶢鶋

鶢鶋2021/07/18 17:15:25


victory2021/07/18 17:15:49

萨特波伏娃支持和小男童sex早就被爆了 正常 我一直觉得他们俩偏liberal

赤座阿卡林2021/07/18 17:17:05



For almost a year, Bianca did not meet Sartre, about whom she was curious and not a little jealous. When they did meet, he seduced her into a short affair, as was his wont with de Beauvoir's young friends. In this book, Bianca accuses de Beauvoir of pimping for Sartre, yet at the same time she describes their "threesome" as a love triangle.

In her own autobiography, de Beauvoir mentions only friendship, but then Bianca extracted a promise from both her and Sartre that her relationships with them would never be mentioned either verbally or in writing, an injunction which de Beauvoir obeyed except in her letters.


Bianca Lamblin wrote her book at the age of 70 in a blinding rage against the posthumous publication of de Beauvoir's Letters to Sartre. There, in black and white, she saw that the two had discussed her in what she considered terms of ridicule and contempt. The letters could certainly be regarded as hurtful by a 19-year-old; but, on the other hand, they were a private discussion about the melodramatic antics of a young friend - not very commendable but not unusual.

victory2021/07/18 17:19:37


koharu楼主2021/07/18 17:20:22

波伏娃帮萨特勾引她学生“荐枕席”是可以确认的。 https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/a-disgraceful-affair-simone-de-beauvoir-jean-paul-sartre-and-bianca-lamblin-by-bianca-lamblin-northeastern-university-press-184pp-pounds-23-50-in-uk-1.66490 For almost a year, Bianca did not meet Sartre, about whom she was curious and not a little jealous. When they did meet, he seduced her into a short affair, as was his wont with de Beauvoir's young friends. In this book, Bianca accuses de Beauvoir of pimping for Sartre, yet at the same time she describes their "threesome" as a love triangle. In her own autobiography, de Beauvoir mentions only friendship, but then Bianca extracted a promise from both her and Sartre that her relationships with them would never be mentioned either verbally or in writing, an injunction which de Beauvoir obeyed except in her letters. ...... Bianca Lamblin wrote her book at the age of 70 in a blinding rage against the posthumous publication of de Beauvoir's Letters to Sartre. There, in black and white, she saw that the two had discussed her in what she considered terms of ridicule and contempt. The letters could certainly be regarded as hurtful by a 19-year-old; but, on the other hand, they were a private discussion about the melodramatic antics of a young friend - not very commendable but not unusual.赤座阿卡林

One Man Circle2021/07/18 17:28:55

波伏娃什么年代的人,而且open relationship和师生恋本来就应该分开看。

One Man Circle2021/07/18 17:30:19

萨特波伏娃支持和小男童sex早就被爆了 正常 我一直觉得他们俩偏liberalvictory

autumn2021/07/18 19:53:20

印象最深的就是米沃什对波伏娃的批评了:“我从未见过她,但我对她的反感直到现在也没有减弱,即使她已死去并迅速滑入她那个时代的历史脚注。我们姑且说,我对她的反感是一个来自穷乡僻壤的男人对于一个时髦社会中的女士的不可避免的情感。我为自己在面对一种优雅精致的文明时所表现出的怯懦而愤怒,我对她的反感被这种愤怒所强化。作茧自缚于法兰西的小天地,她甚至不能想象茧子外面的人会怎样评价她。在巴黎高等师范学校三个叫西蒙娜的同学中——她、西蒙娜·薇依、西蒙娜·贝忒蒙——她相信自己这个西蒙娜是最解放的一位,最能代表法国式的“资产阶级审慎的魅力”。我不能原谅她与萨特联手攻击加缪时表现出的下作。这是道德故事中的一幕:一对所谓的知识分子以政治正确的名义朝一位可敬的、高尚的、讲真话的人,朝一位伟大的作家吐唾沫。是什么样的教条导致的盲目,使她居然要写出一部名为《名士风流》(Les Mandarins)的长篇小说,来诋毁加缪,将他的观点与人们对他私生活的流言蜚语搅在一起。在女权主义者中,波伏瓦的嗓门最大,败坏了女权主义。我尊重乃至崇拜那些出于对妇女命运的体认而捍卫女权的女性。但在波伏瓦这里,一切都是对下一场知识时尚的拿捏。这个讨厌的母夜叉。”

koharu楼主2021/07/19 02:49:06

印象最深的就是米沃什对波伏娃的批评了:“我从未见过她,但我对她的反感直到现在也没有减弱,即使她已死去并迅速滑入她那个时代的历史脚注。我们姑且说,我对她的反感是一个来自穷乡僻壤的男人对于一个时髦社会中的女士的不可避免的情感。我为自己在面对一种优雅精致的文明时所表现出的怯懦而愤怒,我对她的反感被这种愤怒所强化。作茧自缚于法兰西的小天地,她甚至不能想象茧子外面的人会怎样评价她。在巴黎高等师范学校三个叫西蒙娜的同学中——她、西蒙娜·薇依、西蒙娜·贝忒蒙——她相信自己这个西蒙娜是最解放的一位,最能代表法国式的“资产阶级审慎的魅力”。我不能原谅她与萨特联手攻击加缪时表现出的下作。这是道德故事中的一幕:一对所谓的知识分子以政治正确的名义朝一位可敬的、高尚的、讲真话的人,朝一位伟大的作家吐唾沫。是什么样的教条导致的盲目,使她居然要写出一部名为《名士风流》(Les Mandarins)的长篇小说,来诋毁加缪,将他的观点与人们对他私生活的流言蜚语搅在一起。在女权主义者中,波伏瓦的嗓门最大,败坏了女权主义。我尊重乃至崇拜那些出于对妇女命运的体认而捍卫女权的女性。但在波伏瓦这里,一切都是对下一场知识时尚的拿捏。这个讨厌的母夜叉。”autumn
呃呃 我个人不怎么喜欢加缪,这样的批评就算了...

爱舞之阳2021/07/19 02:54:49

萨特波伏娃支持和小男童sex早就被爆了 正常 我一直觉得他们俩偏liberalvictory

爱舞之阳2021/07/19 02:58:46


shizuku2021/07/19 02:59:29


爱舞之阳2021/07/19 03:03:16
